Introducing Our Newest E-Book
The Hidden Woman of the Heart Bible Study

We have been working away behind the scenes to publish our books in EBOOK format! NOW! We are elated to let you know that we have a NEW EBOOK!!

If you have been praying for a Titus Two Mentor, this is YOUR book! If you have no idea what God's view of a godly woman really is, this book will surely answer your many questions! If you have been looking for a Bible Study that will dig deep, but is easy to fit into your schedule, you are SURE to LOVE this one!!

Just take a look at the list of great topics covered throughout the study:

Topics Studied In This Bible Study:

Who? ME? A Virtuous Woman???
Time to Retreat!
Just What IS a Virtuous Woman?
A Look at the Proverbs 31 Woman...
Draw Near to the Father...
Get to Know God...AND His Names
Becoming a Woman of Vision
Developing Spiritual Disciplines
Just WHAT Does God REALLY Think of You???
Marriage 101! Hey! What's This All About?
Getting Back to God's Design for the Godly Marriage
What IS a Helpmeet?
Bone of My Bones, Flesh of My Flesh!
It's A Covenant Thing!
Therefore Shall a Man Leave His Father and Mother...
Cleaving! Really Sticking!
Becoming ONE Flesh
One for Life!
A Call for Me and You!
Ministering to the Heart of Your Child...
Lord, Begin with Me...
Would the PERFECT Mother Please Step Forward???
Leading Little Ones to the Heavenly Father
Instilling a Passion for God!
Instilling a Vision of God's Call for Their Life
Inspiring Your Children Toward Greatness
Life and Death are in the Tongue--Discovering The Incredible Power of Words
Ministering to Their Heart with Your Words
How to NOT Exasperate Your Children
Strong-willed? How to REALLY Strengthen the Will of Your Children
What about Teens? MUST They Rebel???
Enlarge the Place of Your Tent!
What IS a Keeper of the Home?
Do I HAVE to Stay AT Home?
Guard Your Home!
Build Your Home!
A Gentle and Quiet Spirit???
Quick Hospitality How-to's
Hindrances to the Keeper of the Home
Spiritual Mothering...The Call to Mentoring, Mothering, and Ministry!
God's Plan All Along
Back in Time with Mary and Elisabeth...
The Beauty of Mentoring Relationships
Yes! YOU! A Vessel God Can Use!
Ready to be Used?
Becoming A Vessel God Can Use!

OH! You will LOVE IT!

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