Announcing Our NEWEST E-Book!
Ministering to the Heart of Your Child
Available Now as an E-book!!!
“He will feed His flock like a shepherd: He will
gather the lambs in His arm, He will carry them in His bosom and will
gently lead those that have their young.”
Isaiah 40: 11 Amplified
Struggling in your relationship with your children? Have a great relationship with your children and want to keep it that way? Have you ever noticed that "good" kids can go "bad" and wondered where it all begins? The Heart!
This book still remains one of my MOST favorite books ever! It was one of the HARDEST books for me to ever write--it was so very personal AND it was written right in the middle of training up my children. But, its message was (and IS!) such a heart cry!
First, it was a heart cry to minister to the hearts of my children during these precious years. We have so few years before us to train, nurture, encourage, and equip our children. My heart's desire is to be sure to use every day to its fullest. I think you will see this throughout every page of this book. But...there is more! My heart cry is also to inspire and help YOU to really minister to the hearts of your children too! I am SO excited to be able to finally offer this book (AND its companion Bible Study and audio workshops...more on that in a bit!) online! is COMPLETELY REVAMPED (Recently revised and expanded!)!!!
Take a peek at the chapters in the book:
Turning Our Hearts Back Home...
Lord, Begin with Me...
Would the PERFECT Mother Please Step Forward?...
Step-by-Step In the Spirit...
The Battle is ON For The Heart of Your Child...Will You Step Forward?...
Build Your Home...
How To Break Your Child’s Heart In 10 EASY Steps...
Minister To Their Heart In Little and BIG Ways...
Leading Little Ones To The Heavenly Father...Instilling a PASSION For God!
Vision: That He May RUN!
Inspiring Our Children Toward Greatness...
Life and Death Are In The Tongue...The Incredible Power of Your Words
Strong-willed?? Strengthening The Will of Your Child...
Capture Your Teen’s Heart…
What About Teens...Must They Rebel OR Can We Continue Heart-To-Heart...
If you can't tell by the titles of the chapters, this book includes lessons that God taught me directly along my journey. These Biblical insights are sure to draw YOUR heart to your children while ministering to the hearts of your children. Whether you have a little child or children in the depths of rebellion, this book will minister encouragement and direction straight from the Word of God to your heart and mind!
And...the MOST exciting thing is that NOW this book
joins our list of E-books that are now available online!
Wondering what the BIG deal is with E-Books?
You can order this book today and receive YOUR order within 24 hours. Yep! It arrives by email. In just 24 hours (or less!), you can receive this E-Book in your email! We host it online so you can read can print your own copy to carry with you since it is ready-to-print when you get it!
Want to Order?
Check out these specials today!
Ministering to the Heart of Your Child E-Book
E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!
Ministering to the Heart of Your Child
Companion Bible Study—$12.00
Ministering to the Heart of Your Child Audio Workshop--$5.00
Want them all-NOW??? SAVE With Our Set!
Ministering to the Heart of your Child Set: Book, Bible Study, and Audio in one
package! SAVE $10.95! Only $25.00!
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