Time for Tea E-zine's...
"…and rejoice in the wife of your youth, as a loving hind and graceful doe,
let her breast satisfy you at all times. Be exhilarated always with her love."
Proverbs 5:18-19
the Editor's Desk(top)!
During the past few weeks, we have experienced an influx of letters and emails from many different families sharing about deep, deep concerns about the state of their marriages. Many are teetering on the edge, seeing nothing in sight but a crash. Others have expressed that they are sitting in the rubbish of broken dreams needing REAL HELP to rebuild their marriage and having no idea where to begin. There has been an all-out assault on marriages and families. Talk about perfect timing for this special issue of TIME FOR TEA!
This issue has really blown us away! Do you notice how much we have in this ONE issue? Yes, we usually have one, maybe two articles each week. However, this week, we have a special treat for you! We have a WHOLE toolbox of ideas and encouragement prepared to come alongside of each and everyone of you as you fire up your marriage! You will LOVE this issue!
As I have
shared with those we have counseled in the past few weeks, Harold
and I were once where you are. I remember sitting in the midst of
the rubbish of our crashed relationship having no idea what on
earth I could do different to build a marriage that could continue
for life! My heart has broken for you, but I have deep rumblings
of complete excitement for what God is about to do for you and
your family! He is ready to SHOW OUT FOR YOU just like He has for
Harold and me! You are going to LOVE this! I think you will find
some new, fresh, fun ideas for getting your marriage back where
you so desire for it to be!
For those
of you with a few reservations about our theme, I want to
challenge you to gather the "fire-wood" and "fan the flames" of
romance in your marriage. You have a real treat in store for you!
Everything in this issue is written for you too! We promise that
everything in this issue will fire up your marriage as never
before! TOTALLY guaranteed!
For those of you who have been praying and seeking God for fresh and fun ideas for ministering to your sweetheart, you are going to LOVE THIS ISSUE! We have TONS of great ideas for fun, exciting, and passionate romance! You WILL LOVE IT!
So, beloved friends, grab a big cup of tea...maybe a bit of yummy chocolate...recharge your printer cartridge...it is once again TIME FOR TEA (and ROMANCE!)
Have fun! Cindy Rushton
"Romance is about the little things. It's much
more about the small gestures--the little ways of making daily life
with your lover a bit more special--than it is about extravagant,
expensive gestures (although the outrageous certainly has its place
in the romantic's repetoire."
~Gregory J.P. Godek~
See Our NEW Site! We moved our articles
there! http://www.RomanceToolbox.com
"If your relationship were a painting, what would it look like?
~Gregory J.P. Godek~
"And so faith, hope, love abide [faith...conviction and belief respecting man’s relation to God and divine things; hope...joyful and confident expectation of eternal salvation; love...true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us],
these three, but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13
Did You Know...
Did you know that Chocolate contains a large amount of Phenylethylamine, a chemical your body also produces when you feel love?
Weekly Specials!
Check out our NEW Marriage
Fire Up Your Marriage Ebook and
E-Workshop Set Romancing the Principal (ONLY If Your
are Homeschooling!
are SO excited to introduce several new books...and THEY ARE ON
 The Hidden Woman of the Heart is NOW
available as an E-BOOK! Learn more
You are guaranteed to be filled to overflowing with this one! Full of Scripture references that will encourage you to get into the Word of God for His view on your calling as a woman, this Bible Study is more than just a study, it is a Titus Two Mentor walking alongside of you during the whole study.
Now, you can order and receive this book within 24 hours--ordering this book as an Ebook! If you need a great Bible Study to encourage you along your journey, this one is for you!
 Let's Get Organized, our NEW
format! Learn more
We have been working away like busy bees behind the scenes to wrap up the 3rd Volume of HOMESCHOOLING THE EASY WAY Magazine. NOW! We are elated to let you know that it is OUT! The hard copy is being prepared for the printer. The CD-Version is being dubbed away AND…most excitedly (!!!), we have just uploaded our FIRST E-BOOK—Yep, of this Reprint Book!
We are sooo excited! This Reprint Book
compiles articles on the theme Let’s Get Organized. You are sure
to LOVE them! Just take a look at the list of great articles
"Human nature if it is healthy demands excitement. And if it does not obtain its thrilling excitement in the right way it will seek it in the wrong. God never made bloodless stoics, He made passionate saints."
~Oswald Chambers~
My Utmost for His
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