Announcing Our NEWEST E-Books!

Time for Tea Reprint Books!!

Our First Eight Years Available Now!!!

"I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”
Jeremiah 31: 25

We are SO excited to finally be able to offer our first 8 years of Time for Tea Magazine by E-book! Each year has been archived into books with reprints of each article that has been featured in our magazine. AND...NOW they are available by E-Book!

Time for Tea Magazine
features articles written for the purpose of ministering to YOUR heart! Articles range from topics covering developing a closer walk with the Heavenly Father to ministering to the heart of your husband to discipling our children with a Godly heritage to ideas for homemaking from the heart to getting and staying organized to ideas for developing the impact of YOUR Home Ministry to great encouragement for home businesses to wisdom that can truly encourage you to become a vessel that God can use! If you have have missed any issues, you have missed a treat! Well, until now...

Now all of our issues are available online in E-books! Order and receive YOUR order within 24 hours. Yep! It arrives by email. In just 24 hours (or less!), you can receive each e-book jam-packed with timely articles that are designed to give you a time for renewing your mind and refreshing your spirit during your Time for Tea! Plus! We have several introductory specials today!

Eight Years of Time for Tea

They are all available in Seven Reprint Books(we combined Volumes 1 and 2 into one book). These are PACKED full of great information and encouragement! Check out the articles included in each volume:

Volume One/Two…
Some of the article titles include...

Nature Studies the Natural Way, Nature Studies to Remember, Nature Studies...Who Me?, The Seasonal Table, A Spring Visit to Mother Nature's Toyshop, Setting up a Nature Notebook, Our Favorite Resources, Writing a Process of the Lord, Encouraging our Young Writers, Copywork...Answers to Your Questions, Scrapbooking in the Homeschool, part one, Binderized!, Using Notebooking in the Homeschool, Memories, Narration...Beyond the Test!, Narrating at Crooked Pines, In Charlotte Mason's Dictation Class, How to Use Narration, Samples of Our Children's Pen, Scrapbooking in the Homeschool...Part 2 The Process..., PLUS MANY MORE!

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volumes 1/2...Price: $15.00

Volume Three…
Articles Included...

Proverbs 31 for the Homeschool Mom, Letters We LOVE, Education is an Atmosphere, Homemaking on Top Huckleberry Hill, Great Resources for Homeschooling Homemakers, Education is a Discipline, Unschooling and The Charlotte Mason Approach, The Formation of Habit, The Importance of Routine, Charlotte Mason on Habit!, Schooling or Educating? How to Get Free From School At Home, Testing for Life in Your Homeschool: Seven Natural Vital Signs, Preparing Your Home for a Lifestyle of Learning, A Christmas Tea Party!, At Battle, Education is a LIFE...Even for MOM!, Time for Tea With All of You! (Letters from Subscribers!!), Worldviews...For Such a Time as This!, Education is a Life, The Presentation of Living Ideas, Choosing Resources for Read Alouds, The Process of Learning: God's Way, Making a Toddler's Lifestyle a Learning One, Real Education: Charlotte Mason Style, Jumping Into The Charlotte Mason Approach, Making Plans While Following Delights, Preparation for Your Future Writer, From Tribulations to Hope, Relationships...Ahhh, Marriage!,What About Teaching the Older Child???

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volume 3...Price: $15.00

Volume Four…
Articles Included...

Stepping Up To The Call...Time for Pruning??, Hedge of Thorns (Narration by Elisabeth Rushton), Letters We LOVE, Iron Scouts of the Confederacy (Narration by Matthew Rushton), Matthew's Bookshelf, In the Herb Garden: Calendula, Developing Your OWN Philosophy of Education, Commitments of a Homeschooled Pre-teen By Matthew Rushton, Digging Deeper into the Study of Education, Education is a Science of Relations...Relations with God, Stepping Up To The Call...Daily Manna, Come Home...It's Time for Tea, Friendship Quilt: A Treasured Heirloom Keepsake, In the Herb Garden...A Little About Rosemary, Cherishing Your Marriage, How to Break Your Child's Heart in 10 EASY Steps, Time for Tea, Stepping Up To The Call...Fill Your Cup with Vision, Focused: A Story and A Song, Fill Your Cup FULL of Romance, Teatime Thoughts from Teatime Treasures, Would the PERFECT Mother Please Step Forward, Making *Not Back To School* Special, Scheduling Our Days to the Honor and Glory of God, Our Simplified Approach to Real Learning.

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volume 4...Price: $15.00

Volume Five…
Articles Include...

Teatime Thoughts, Exodus, Quick Tips for EASY Record-keeping, The Story of My Knife Business by Matthew Rushton), Give Me A Burden, Lord…YOUR Burden, Mentoring One-on-One: A Note from Debby, Teatime Thoughts…Dessert for the Soul, Tired from the Journey? SIT DOWN, I AM: Everything We Will Ever Need, Fill Your Cup Back Up, The Zombie You Live With, The Students Write: A Notebooking Acrostic, A Sampling from NOTEBOOKING! YES! YOU CAN BE A BINDER QUEEN, Timeline Notebooks, Let Us Strive for the Gold, Betty’s Bits: Trials or Stepping Stones, Ministry at Home: A Ministry of Rest, Letters We Love.

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volume 5...Price: $15.00

Volume Six…
Articles Include...

From My Heart to Yours, The Great I AM: Abba Father, God is Our Portion, Through the Seasons in Life, Tea Time???, Some Funnies Just to Lighten Your Heart, Lessons I Learned Along the Way, The Struggle to Honor Our Husbands, Kitchen Korner, From a Mother’s Heart...Enjoying the Journey, Lord, I Want To Know What Love Is, The Great I AM: Ishi, Our Husband!, Seeing The Unseen, Dreams For Sale, Purity The ONLY Way, Some Funnies To Lighten Your Heart: Coffee!, Betrothed in the Desert, Kitchen Korner: Let’s Have Tea!, A Letter to a Newlywed, Marriage: It’s A Covenant Thing, A Wise Woman Builds, Preparing for Christ, Assorted Non-Sense to Give You A Giggle!, Consider the Sixty-Six Books of the Bible, Making Memories at the Mall, Real Excuse Notes Written By Parents, A Heart for the Home: Awesome Activities, Great Christmas Read-Alouds, Just What IS Godly Womanhood?, Kitchen Korner, Letters We Love, Answered by Matthew, What Counts?, Some Funnies Just to Lighten Your Heart! A Diet We Might Can Do, 1 Corinthians 13—The Christmas Version, Just TOO Busy, Teach Me Lord, That I May Teach, Build a Ministry—A Family Ministry.

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volume 6...Price: $15.00

Volume Seven
Articles Include...

From The Editor’s Desk: At Battle, What a Way To Battle! Worship, A New Beginning! Time for Tea with Tracy Traylor, 50+ Secrets for Surviving Your Struggles, Die Hard, Time Out, Oh! It’s My Flesh Again, Dealing with the Dragons in Life, Ministering to the Hurting, Maintaining Friendships, I’ve Learned, Socks! Talk About a BATTLE, Celebrate Fall, The Sin of Worry, To My Child, Quick Tips for BUSY People Who Want to Get Things (Well…The BEST Things!) Done, Kitchen Korner..., Some Funnies Just to Lighten YOUR Heart, Restoring Balance To COMPLETELY Overloaded Lives, 67 Ways to Reduce Stress, Look! There’s Potential Behind the Problems, His Wheel—His Will, The Necessity of Discipleship: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Remaking Martha, Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude, Time for Tea for Teens—Unconditional Love, In Pursuit of Destiny, The Race, Great Truths, Ready to Make Your Own Home and Family Organizer??, Quick Tips For the Perpetually Late, Disorganized, Stressed-Out Mom, Taste and See, Develop Your Own Plan for Easy Meals, SIX FREE Reproducibles for YOUR Menu Planner, Oh! Socks! HELP; Did You Know???, Bounce Dryer Sheets, Some Funnies Just to Lighten YOUR Heart, A Heart for Home: Tips, How to Destroy Your Man in Just FIVE Years, How to Help Your Husband Be ALL He Can Be, What is Love???, Great Days Ahead, Women of Influence, The Story of The Urban Homemaker, Time for Tea with Marilyn Moll, High School! Wrapping It All Up, Passionate about The Passion of Christ, A Pastor’s Response to the Passion of Christ, No Excuses!

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volume 7...Price: $15.00

Volume Eight (Theme: Getting Back To God's Design for the Godly Home)
Articles Include...

Time Out! To Fill YOUR Cup!, I Think I am Solar-Powered...I NEED The Son!!! by Elisabeth Rushton, Daily Manna, Our All Time Favorite Bible Study Resources..., 50+ Secrets for Survibing Your Struggles!, Help! I Have NO Idea Where to Begin Homeschooling!, Getting Started Homeschooling On The Right Track!, Quick Tips for Making Homeschooling Great!, Easy Record-Keeping for the Reluctant Homeschool Mom!, Setting Up Your Home to Learn!, Planning FUN and EASY Lessons, Our TOP TEN (OR MORE) Favorite Books EVER!, Let's Try Notebooking!, A Notebooking Shopping List..., Step-by-Step Help for an EASY History Study, A Timeline Notebook--Easy as A, B, C!, Let's Try Lapbooking..., Let's Make Easy Booklets..., Gearing Up for Another Big Year! OR! What I am Going to Do On Summer Vacation..., The Story Behind Matthew's Cutting Edge by Matthew Rushton, Tips from Great Men and Women in Business by Matthew Rushton, Quick Tips on How to Begin Your Own Busines (And...Call It School!) By Matthew Rushton, 10 Tips Sure to Make Your Business Great! By Matthew Rushton, So...You Wanta Be a Writer? Get a Website! Easy E-Books and Books on CD..., Develop the Disciplines of a Writer!, Quick Tips for the Perpetually Late, Disorganized, Stressed Out Mom!, Restoring Balance to Completely Overloaded Lives, Just Too Busy, EASY Homemaking Ideas for the Busy Homeschool Mom!, Quick Homemaking Help! Tips to Help Make Managing the Kitchen EASY (Well, Easier!), What About Children and Chores?, Destressing the Stressed Out Mom!, Scheduling Tips..., How To Destroy Your Man in Just Five Years!, How to Help Your Husband to be ALL He Can Be!, 101+ HOT Ideas for Romancing Your Sweetheart!, Romancing Your Woman--Easy Ideas for You Guys!, Romancing with CHOCOLATE! Quick Dating No-No's, A Spicy Shopping List for the Romantically Inclined...PLUS! Much, Much More!

E-Book--Delivered within 24 hours!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book
Volume 8: Getting Back To God's Design for the Godly Home...
Price: $15.00

Want them all-NOW??? Try our Set!

Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book Set! ALL EIGHT YEARS!

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AND! Get a FREE Ebook!

Time for Tea Ezine
Articles range from topics covering developing a closer walk with the Heavenly Father
to ministering to the heart of your husband to discipling our children with a Godly
heritage to ideas for homemaking from the heart to getting and staying organized to ideas for developing the impact of YOUR Home Ministry to great encouragement for Home Businesses to wisdom that can truly encourage you to become a vessel that God can use!

Homeschooling the Easy
Way Ezine
Topics range from hearing God in your homeschool to balancing all of the many demands
that the busy homeschool mom faces day-to-day to teaching lessons in a simple, EASY way
to VERY practical ideas that are sure to make homeschooling in your home EASY too!
You won’t want to miss a single issue!


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Have you checked out our Mom-to-Mom Radio Show? We have a NEW online radio show JUST FOR YOU! Our show features shows on a wide, wide range of topics.
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