Check Out Our Magazines
The Rushton family produces two
publications, both of which are sure to be an incredible blessing to you and your
Homeschooling The Easy Way is produced with the purpose of encouraging a return back to God’s design for the godly home and homeschool. Each issue includes articles that encourage homeschooling with a lifestyle of real learning that returns to the OLD PATHS that have worked for centuries. Topics range from hearing God in your homeschool to balancing all of the many demands that the busy homeschool mom faces day-to-day to teaching lessons in a simple, EASY way to VERY practical ideas that are sure to make homeschooling in your home EASY too. You won’t want to miss a single issue!
Time For Tea
is a quarterly publication, written for the purpose of ministering to YOUR heart!
Articles range from topics covering developing a closer walk with the
Heavenly Father to ministering to the heart of your husband to discipling
our children with a Godly heritage to ideas for homemaking from the heart
to getting and staying organized to ideas for developing the impact of
YOUR Home Ministry to great encouragement for Home Businesses to wisdom
that can truly encourage you to become a vessel that God can use!
Back issues for both of these magazines are also available. Click on the links
to learn more about each of our magazines.
Be sure to also check out our
page for many articles from both of our magazines that you can read
right here online!
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