Introducing Our Newest E-Book!
Study The Easy Way!
We are SO excited to be able to introduce our NEWEST e-book. Yep! Our all time best-seller, Nature Study the Easy Way is now available by e-book.
Do you find yourself to be “challenged” in the area of nature study? Does it seem impossible for you to teach your children about science and nature study...much less for those studies to be EASY? Yes! It is truly possible for nature study to be EASILY taught in the home.
Cindy Rushton has a gift for making the most IMPOSSIBLE things become simple. Whether you are confused about where to begin teaching science or you need some extra ideas for day to day lessons, this book will meet you right where you are at.
Nature Study the Easy Way includes over 200 pages of practical help and encouragement.
Chapters include the following:
Nature Study...The Easy Way
Nature Study in OUR Backyard
On TOP of Huckleberry Hill
Whole Books EVEN for Nature
Nature Study and Family Day
Binderized! How-to’s for
EASY Nature Notebooks
What About Teaching Older
101+ EASY Ideas for Nature
Just to Get You Going
Seasonal Work for Nature
The NEVER Ending List of
Field Trips
Bringing Scripture into the
Study of Nature
A Touch of Nature Poetry
The Special Touch of Prayers
Hymns and Songs
Neat Quotes for Your Nature
Great Read Alouds
Great Resources for Nature
Great Resources on the
Addresses for Getting Great Resources and Information
available as an e-book too! Once again, Cindy Rushton
does ALL the work for you with this great resource. If that is not
enough, she wanted to offer this resource as a FREE BONUS with
your purchase this week.
Make Your Own Science
Notebook is now available as an
E-Book TOO! AND it is FREE with your purchase of Nature
Study the Easy Way.
We are pleased to
provide for you ready-to-use pages for your science notebooks.
Since we published Nature Study The Easy
Way, we have been inundated by requests
to share our reproducibles that we use within our home for
our science notebooks. Now, we introduce to you our newest e-book
of reproducibles that are perfect for developing your own
science notebooks. These forms are complete and ready-to-use for
busy homeschooling families. I believe that you will find this
resource to make homeschooling much, much easier while setting you
free to use real books and real life to help teach the often
difficult-to-teach subject of science.
Keep in mind that
this set is different from many of the other Make Your Own
Series sets. This set includes pages that you may reproduce
and adapt to fit your own needs. Most of our sets include
ready-to-use pages. This set includes only the masters, requiring
that you print the pages that you prefer in order to create your
own science notebook. We chose this format because we know that
this you will want to make your science notebook completely
individual from your page colors to pictures of YOU and your
adventures to stickers to a wide variety of informational clips.
You probably have many ideas of what you want already, but just in
case we included some examples of our nature notebooks all
throughout Nature Study the Easy Way e-book just in case you have no idea where to
to Order???
Order Online Now!!
Nature Study The Easy Way E-Book delivered
within 24 hours to YOUR email box!!
This week only!
Nature Study the
Easy Way (AND our FREE BONUS: Make Your Own Science
Notebook) Price:
Want to order with
a friend?
SURE! We are offering our e-book for a SUPER SPECIAL when
you buy one for yourself AND a friend--ORDER WITH A
FRIEND. Just order BOTH for $40.00. SAVE $10.00 *and* receive your free bonus too. We will need for you to make a note that you are taking advantage of our BUY ONE-GET ONE HALF OFF DEAL. Include email addresses for both recipients. You will bless your friend AND yourself.