Wondering what’s going on in our country, our world?
Wonder what could be done?
Just want to hide away and get away from the madness?
Before you resign yourself to that, I suggest reading a few excellent articles and digging into some excellent videos.
We must develop our theology, our philosophy, and our worldview. We must also understand the enemy’s theology, philosophy, and worldview.
Without doing so, we stand powerless and defenseless. These enemies are not going to be pacified or “calm down.” They are truly bent on destruction of our culture. They are bent upon the destruction of the church.
Wake up.
Step up!
Please read. I come from a family that is very mixed politically. I know democrats held some great values that complimented a person of faith for many years. In fact, during those years, they were more in touch with the needs of the everyday person than the republicans were.
The problem came where they shifted into their own depraved values against God and into anti-American values, becoming tools of radicals. It was one compromise after another. Compromise is always a slippery slope. It never leads to progress, rather depravity. This is where the Democratic Party is today.
We are a republic, not a democracy.
We can never forget that.
Our republic is stronger than any other form of government because it is based upon conviction and commitment to values that are supernatural—as we read in this article, one of the greatest is grace.
In our country, we do not force belief in our Christian God, however we cannot have those who do not honor Jehovah at the helm or we will always lose our way. The argument here is that our weakest link is our own morality. That could not be more true. I have personally seen this with those who quickly tell me that Christians “should be silent and stay in their Bibles and out of politics”. That would be convenient for them, however Christians will be the ones who SEE the real problem and can HEAR God’s real answers.
We are more essential now than ever!
So…the leftist radicals want to demand our payment and repentance for past atrocities. They feel that our weakness is our guilt, shame, and remorse for past atrocities. I so appreciate the gentle reminder of our fifth amendment:
“America paid for and repented of the sins of slavery and racism long ago. And a tenet central to the Christian faith—and, incidentally the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution—is that one is not tried twice for the same offense.”
At last! Truth!!
Yes. There were atrocities in our past. However, this spirit throws them up on our face and demands fresh “repentance” or even more so a destruction of our government because of the atrocities of a few.
National repentance and restitution is absurdity that must be VANQUISHED. It will never be pacified. It must be vanquished.
The sooner we realize that this is a “play” by enemies intent upon our destruction, the sooner we can begin to battle effectively. If we want freedom, we cannot shove our children out there in uniform to fight without being armed up and fighting with them here and abroad.
We must wake up and dare to SPEAK and STAND against these enemies of our faith and our country that protects our faith, along with our freedom.
These radicals play against our morals. They play against at our faith. They pull out a demonic spirit of false responsibility, guilt, and shame.
Again, grace alone has power to bring healing. We all make mistakes. However, I do contend that true history of the United States reveals that the atrocities that concern many resulted from those who were anti-God and anti-American.
The real story that is being stripped away in revisionist history and modern media is of the only country in history where there was always a remnant who DID hear the cry of the hurting and defenseless and they stepped up to change things based upon our Constitution so those who were oppressed were protected and cared for. It was always an abrupt change, abrupt course-correct. No other country does that. Communism will not do that. Socialism does not do that. Islam does not do that. ONLY AMERICA has done that.
To deny that is what our enemies want to strip away. That’s the real story that makes our country strong. If we strip the beautiful truth of history away, we miss the redemption that occurred from our patriots standing for godly morals and godly values. It was never the oppressed standing alone. We, as a country, fight FOR the oppressed.
I’m a grateful mother of a Green Beret. I love their motto— “De Oppresso Liber” — “To Free the Oppressed.” THAT is our story here in America. We have always and will always free the oppressed. We have always and will always liberate the oppressed. We can never forget!
What is going on today is not about guarding the poor, hurting, or underprivileged. It is about destroying America and replacing our form of government with a globalist Antichrist government. The enemy has been at work for our entire history in those who truly hate our form of government.
We cannot forget that.
We have enemies.
Right now, our enemies are even in our midst. They are at our public square. They are shouting in our faces. What will we do?
Today—our call is to wake up, arm up, and fight for our country today.
Today—we can no longer detach from the stress of the culture war, rather we must inform ourselves and dare to engage the enemy.
Today—we must know and stand for truth, Jehovah God’s truth—not Allah or government or terrorists or radicals.
It’s our time to fight for freedom. Everything depends upon it! Want great reading to get you started?
https://www.voddiebaucham.org (watch his videos on YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=voddie+baucham)
And…of course, stay in touch with me! Http://www.CindyRushton.com
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