Systemic racism does not exist in our government or in our country.
Brave statement? Ludicrous statement? Stick with me!
We live in a Post-postmodernist culture where many believe there is no absolute truth. Many believe they “see” better than those who do believe in absolute truth. Interestingly, those who do not believe in absolute truth believe that their ideas or feelings are absolutely truthful…or will be. They attempt to set culture by pushing their worldview. They create truth that fits their choices, agendas, strategies, and plans.
The lie of Systemic Racism has been created by the Democratic Party. They prey upon those they want to indoctrinate and influence. They are post-postmodernists through and through. They are truly attempting to set culture by pushing their worldview, their new government, and their anti-God, anti-American choices, agendas, strategies, and plans.
I do not believe any American or any true Christian should affiliate with the Democratic Party. None of their platforms are American or Christian or Christian American. NONE. You cannot be a part of their party or their platforms apart from refusing to open your eyes to see and acknowledge truth. It is time to think for yourself, look at true issues, and vote by conscience not by heritage or tradition.
What goes on in the voting booth in a few weeks will determine the life you live the very day after the election. I believe it will determine the hand of God over this nation or not. We are at a very serious point in history.
Just the Democratic Party’s stance on racism should have every citizen and Christian in this country protesting their party. They are literally working to divide and conquer our country. They are picking at old wounds that God has desired to heal. They have removed God and His providence and heroism from the story of our great country. They are redefining words such as racism and accusing innocent people of sins, yet closing their eyes to the sins they are imparting. They are imparting hatred, contention, division, and segregation.
I believe that Trump has done a great job of “letting go” enough for these people to reveal their true hearts—wicked beyond measure. This is essential to drain the swamp of those who could care less for the people and replace them with people who desire to create a government and a life in our country that is “of the people, for the people, and by the people.”
Today, I bring these wicked schemes into the light. I expose them. I call for us to stand up for freedom, peace, unity, joy, and love of one another and country. I call for a return to absolute truth. Today, i call for a revival to sweep our nation! I call for a revival fire to sweep our land and burn up anything not of God and everything wicked. I pray for a light to shine from sea to sea. Our country was established to be a light and I declare it will shine brightly again in the name of Jesus!
Exciting days!
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