Unplug. Disconnect. Disengage. Do those words make you get uncomfortable? Do you feel the stretching? I sooo understand! I had a lot of changes in my life this year and one of the best has been … [Read more...] about Unplug. Disconnect. Disengage.
Pursuing Proverbs 31
Pull Out the Highlighter!
I had a dream last night that I believe is a Word for you. I dreamed that I was taken to a person that represented “the church”. I could see her struggle with identity, worth, power, possessions, … [Read more...] about Pull Out the Highlighter!
Bride Wake Up! Prepare!
I was just discussing how the church should be responding to these times. I hear the Lord saying that this is an important word for all of you. The church needs to be awake and tune in to what GOD … [Read more...] about Bride Wake Up! Prepare!
Time to Worship!
Stressed? Agitated? Irritable? Angry? The Bible says that during end times there will be a great deception. It prophesied of wars, rumors of wars, an anti-Christ spirit, offense, and a beastly … [Read more...] about Time to Worship!
This is a Move–A Move to REVIVAL!!
We are in the midst of the greatest move of God in our generation. You do not see this on the news because the enemy is in direct battle against this MOVE. He knows his days are short and he is … [Read more...] about This is a Move–A Move to REVIVAL!!
It is Time to STRETCH!
Hey Sweet Friends! Do you know what time it is??? It is time to STRETCH YOURSELF! Some of you remember last year when I joined my friend, Kelly McCausey for her 2019 Stretch Yourself … [Read more...] about It is Time to STRETCH!
It is Time to Worship!
Stressed? Agitated? Irritable? Angry? The Bible says that during end times there will be a great deception. It prophesied of wars, rumors of wars, an anti-Christ spirit, offense, and a beastly … [Read more...] about It is Time to Worship!
This is YOUR Time!
This year is year 5780 in the Hebrew calendar, the year of the “Pe.” It is also the beginning of the decade by the same name. Pe means “mouth” in Hebrew. The meaning is that this is the year and … [Read more...] about This is YOUR Time!
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