This is MY time of year! Every day has a special new treat for you as you look outside the window! Our view outside of our window changes every day during this time of year. It is simply amazing!
Don’t let this fall slip by! Why not take a break in the midst of your busy to-do’s today to take a nature walk? The lessons are awaiting you, so why not give it a try? Here are some things you may want to try out as you grab your backpacks, nature journals, you are in for a treat!
–> Find a spot to observe Nature that all of your family will enjoy… Special goodies are waiting all around you! Your neighborhood, a biking trail, a local zoo, botanical garden, a canyon, a mountain trail, the local park, the river, a planetarium, an aquarium, a wild life refuge, an arboretum, your favorite vacation spot, a living history museum, a friend’s neighborhood, Grandma’s back yard… Just start small…SO YOU WILL DO IT!
–> Plan a scavenger hunt. Make a list of “fall” treasures to hunt for. Give the children a list and turn them loose. You CAN allow swaps for the treasures that they find. Watch them have a blast while they are learning!
–> Start a collection! Collections teach much informally. They teach how to organize, label, display, and date materials gathered! You may like to collect rocks, leaves, seeds, butterflies, flowers, pictures of the sunset or sunrise, feathers, nature poetry…the list is unlimited! You can also swap or sell extras from your collection to friends or family long distance! They may not have the same treasures in their back yard that you have!
–> Go for a LONGER Hike and Campout! Make this a family outing! Assign the little ones to research all of the how-to’s and essential information needed to prepare for a long hike. Let them learn the basics of camping. Then, dig in for a FUN family adventure. Need help? The best information we have found has been available through the Scouting materials. We found ours at a local department store that carried all of the scouting uniforms and books. Those books are VERY reasonable and filled to overflowing with great ideas and tips for making your hikes and camping trips great!
–> Keep lists! As you go along, you will see many things only once. Keep lists of animals, birds, life cycles, observations of animals, times for the rising and setting of the sun, temperatures, weather, records of experiments. Just keep each list in the back of your Nature Notebook.
–> Set up a Seasonal Table. Just set up a table or a shelf in your home that is just for the display of treasures found outside throughout the various seasons, books that are favored read alouds each year during that particular season, or special crafts made especially during that season! Decorate the table in different colors to go along with the seasons. Let this be a project for the children to keep up throughout the year!
–> Keep a Nature bag/backpack/basket ready to go! Essentials are your nature notebooks, field guides, paints, pencils, camera, and snacks!
–> Let your children set up their notebooks like their very own scrapbook of Nature! Chances are you already have many things that could be included in a notebook around your home without their own special place! Develop a place for those Nature goodies while developing a nice product for displaying all that knowledge and keeping memorabilia!
–> Do a tree study! This is the PERFECT time for a tree study! Trees are easy to begin with. Pick a tree and sketch the tree, its leaves, and its blooms into your Nature Notebook. If you are like me and not so good at sketching, just take a picture! In your notebook add special details like the date, where you found it, common name and Latin name for the tree, and a description of the tree. You may want to describe the branches, bark, birds/insects living in the tree, and the purpose of the tree. Having a gorgeous fall? Why not take pictures of all of the different trees in your yard (or neighborhood) at the same time. The colors are usually SO spectacular! Take pictures as changes take place.
–> Make Your OWN Field Guide! Why not begin a notebook or homemade book keeping your information/photos so you can MAKE YOUR OWN FIELD GUIDE! Share with your friends!
–> Why not go for a picnic? Nothing is any more fun than a picnic! Just pack a basket full of lunch or a simple afternoon tea to go! Head out to your favorite spot with just your own sweet family! Of course…you should also think of your dear friends occasionally. (Yes, this is a hint! I am always up for a picnic!). Picnics can also be outside your very own door. We LOVE picnics on our deck! We usually curl up on our great big swing afterwards and enjoy the beauty of nature while enjoying great conversation or our favorite books!
So…ready? Today is the PERFECT day! Don’t let it slip away! Grab those backpacks… sketch books… watercolors… AND the children! There is an adventure outside!