I had a dream last night that I believe is a Word for you.
I dreamed that I was taken to a person that represented “the church”. I could see her struggle with identity, worth, power, possessions, and purpose. She wasn’t sure who she was or what was hers. She was confused about what it meant to be a Christian and what difference it even meant for her and her life. In fact, she wondered if being a Christian meant she could not enjoy life and only lived by a list of archaic rules.
I asked her to show me a glimpse into her day.
Her day was filled with “messages” that Jehovah wanted to remove. I could hear Him saying that those messages simply needed to be “deleted”.
The first came from the “programming” she was putting into her life by music, media, and television. It was literally screaming loudly that she wasn’t enough. It was parading people by who “appeared” to have what she wanted, but as we tapped in, we could see vile and ugly lives full of pain, addictions, lies about what life was all about, and worse of all horrible choices and decisions for immorality. As we looked closer, we saw that their world was very dark and black. It was so dark and black that we couldn’t look but just a second. I saw that they literally sold their soul into deep bondage to the enemy of their soul. They thought it would give them everything they wanted, but it was a trap. In the quiet of their life, they had no idea how to get out of it all so they kept getting deeper and deeper. The real twist was that they were nothing that they projected in their music, pictures, words, or in their acting. Their words were empty lies. I heard the Lord say to us, delete their messages. Turn them off. Block them from speaking into you.
Next, I saw Him take us to a long reel of film. It represented the story of her life. I could see that on that reel were a long playlist of events. Those events were playing the same messages over and over. Those messages were speaking over and over propaganda messages of the enemy. None of them were true. He was using them to define her, her identity, her purpose, her abilities, her power (or lack of power), and her future. I heard the Lord say to highlight the reels and push delete! They were all constructed by the enemy and were his weapon formed to defeat her and to cause her to walk as a captive in defeat, discouragement, depression, and despair.
Next, I saw Him show us a telephone that was ringing. It was a old rotary phone on a table. It was black. It was ringing loud. I saw her pick it up. It was the voice of someone important in her life. As she picked it up, she was excited to hear the voice and soaked in the words deeply. However, as soon as the words started, I saw her withering. Her face changed to sadness and deep pain. Her shoulders folded over as if she was hit in the gut by what she was hearing. The words were so convincing. She gave the words value because she trust the voice. Those words were words she had heard since she was a little girl. I heard the Lord tell me to cut the call. He told me to cut the line. He had plans for a new call.
Then, I saw the Lord take us up high. It was like a big treehouse above everything. It was so pretty and spectacular, but very soon I saw that she had brought another voice with her. It was loudest of all. It was so loud it was distracting from all of the beauty. It was her own voice. I saw that what she was speaking was simply the programming she was hearing everywhere else. Then, I heard the Lord say that He wanted to give her NEW Words.
I saw Him lay before us a giant “family Bible”. It had been laying there all along. He asked us to open it. I was soooo full that I had to help her open it up. We looked down and as we did I saw God hand her a big highlighter. He told her to highlight what He was speaking over her. He told her to hide that in her heart. He told her to put those Words in her mouth. He told her to listen to His voice and notice that it sounded like the Words she was reading in the Bible because those ARE His Words. Those are Words she needed as the sustenance for her life.
As she poured over those words I could see the other things trying to come against her, but she was shielded from them. They could not impact her. The Words she highlighted were strengthening her and giving her a new definition of who she was, what was hers, what she was about, and what she could and should do. They were flooding her with light. All of the shackles of the past dissipated. All of the voices and messages stopped. Only One Voice could finally be heard. It was trustworthy. It was soothing. It was beautiful. It was speaking a love letter and singing a song of love.
As she listened and continued to highlight the Words, I knew she was ready to tell others what she was finding and I was hearing a call to go look for others who needed to hear this.
As I left this beautiful summit, I could see other spots lighting up all around. As far as I could see, I saw spots lighting up in the darkness, so many that it was as if the sun had come up and darkness was gone. This was key to dissipating the darkness.
I hear God saying that it’s time for the messages, voices, programming and stories of darkness to be silenced—deleted, cut off, and put away. I hear Him saying that we are His beloved, wrapped in “Beloved Identity” as the daughters and sons of the Most High, the King of kings and the Lord of all lords. He wants us to ask Him to teach us what that means. I hear the Lord beckoning us to pull out His Word and highlight what He has to say about who we are, what is ours, what we are all about, and what we can and should be doing. It is there that we will find freedom, healing, passion, and purpose. It is there that we will be strengthened and shine forth brightly, dissipating the darkness.
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