I hear the Lord saying that His church has the answer and must speak it clearly.
This is year 5780 – the year to SPEAK THE VISION.
This is not a time for the church to be distracted.
This is a time to get the vision, write it out clearly, speak it forth, and declare it in power and authority.
This is our finest hour. We cannot be distracted by the enemy and succumb in fear to his roar. He can only work in our lives if we give him place and power. He can only devour those who get into fear, isolate, and run scared.
We have THE TRUTH.
We already know THE WAY.
We alone have the keys to abundant, lavish, full LIFE even in the darkest of days, the fiercest of trials, the greatest of losses, the most devastating of losses, the most overwhelming of an onslaught from our event, or the most terrifying of shakings.
Why are we whimpering and whining? We are warriors!
Why are we playing small? We are royalty! We are children of the King of kings!
Why are we distracted? We KNOW the time! We KNOW the season! We KNOW the hour!
It is time for the bride to prepare!
The time is at hand. Only a remnant will be prepared—filled with oil (Holy Spirit) and prepared to enter in to the wedding feast.
Church be wise!
Matthew 25:1-13 warns us that half of the virgins will be wise, AWAKENED, and fully prepared to go into the wedding feast! It also tells us that half of the virgins will be foolishly asleep, unprepared and unaware of the time to the point they don’t even know they needed to be ready. They think they will just go in and miss the tribulations to come. They miss what is needed and cannot get it from those who are prepared because what they need they must get ahead of time. They will not be ready to enter in and the door will be shut. The wedding feast will go on without them.
It is time to get prepared. Now!
Today, I beckon you to make sure you are ready. Stop getting involved in the things of the world. You are being called into a new kingdom that will not pass away. You are being called to be in this world but not of it. You are being called to step into your position, purpose, power, protection, and provision. You are being called to be prepared for the feast. You must be presided to go in. It is close. If you are not ready, the door will be shut.
The day is breaking. All the signs are in place. The only true sign left before the rapture is the salvation of souls and great awakening. Multitudes around the world have been awakening for years now. This year many are seeing clearly. Many are. Iminv to Jesus in record number. If you don’t know this, wake up!
I don’t know how people can be sleeping through the rumbles this year or through the cry of the prophets this year, however it’s obvious that half of those who want to be the bride or the church is yet asleep, assuming they are ok, yet they are unprepared. They have nothing prepared to move into these days. They are foolish not knowing the seasons. They are foolish not being filled or prepared. You can hear it in their voices..or their silence. You can see it in their actions. You can sense it in their fear.
Don’t be foolish and keep playing.
Don’t push snooze and go back to sleep.
You have been given a work to do to get ready for your royal wedding.
Wake up!
It IS the Great Awakening!
It IS the greatest of awakenings.
This is what it looks like!
Do you sense it?
Are you in it?
Are you awake?
Are you prepared?
Revival is here!
People are stepping into their position! People are leaving the old.
People are cleaning up their garments and getting prepared as a spotless, purified bride!
People are taking the leap.
People are stepping into their destiny.
People are stripping off everything that is not eternal.
It’s time!
You are here for such a time as this! It’s time for the great ingathering!
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