Today I hear the Lord speaking the word JUSTICE. Many of you have grown weary and discouraged because justice seems delayed or no existent. Today I hear the Lord speaking a word of justice for you.
Justice is sure, certain, and promised to you and in your behalf.
Psalm 37:6 in the Passion Translation says this:
He will appear as your righteousness, as sure as the dawning of a new day. He will manifest as your justice, as sure and strong as the noonday sun.
Justice is what is fair, right, reasonable. It is behavior or treatment that is righteous or just.
It is representing or protecting someone in appreciation or care. It is treating someone with due regard, fairness, honor, and appreciation.
Justice in our culture has been in a void because our culture has exalted itself not God. Yet I hear the Lord of host saying that justice is rushing in on behalf of the oppressed, the captive, the broken, the hurting, the wounded, and the weary.
It will be swift. It will be full and complete. It is sure. It is certain in a time of uncertainty.
God wants for you to know that one of His names is El Roi. His names define Who He is and Who He wants to be for you as your God. If you look at the stories in Scripture, you see God reveal Himself personally to people through His names. He has a name for every step you need to take in your life because He is the God Who is there for you helping you. He has a name for every crisis you face because He is the God Who is everything you will ever need.
God wants for you to know that one of His names is El Roi. El Roi means that He is the God Who Sees. He wants for you to know today that He is the God Who Sees everything…all. You are not unseen. Your injustice is not unseen. Your needs are not unseen. He sees! The Almighty, All Powerful, Ever Present God sees YOU. As your Covenant God Who cannot and will not go back on His Word, He is fulfilling Psalm 37 for you today—He will manifest as your justice, as sure and strong as the noonday sun.
Today I want to impart strength, hope, vision, patience, long suffering so you can stand firm in faith. Justice is coming. It does not come from this world or a government or mere humans, it comes from the One Who IS just and justice. It is as sure as the noonday sun.
Rest my beloved.
He does what you cannot do. He IS what you cannot be. He will never fail you or forsake you. He is coming into your life with Justice as sure as the noonday sun!
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