I went to the public schools like many of you. Although my education began almost 50 years ago, I grew up with prayer in schools well into my high school years.
Although they were mandating the removal of God from the classrooms and curriculum, I was blessed to have teachers who were truly Christian and could not get away from their deeply rooted Biblical Worldview even in the classroom. I believe that many of them did not understand where this was going, but education was a handmaid to governmental purposes, which had already shifted at the very creation of public schooling. I know my teachers’ hearts were good. I’m so grateful for them.
Subjects were already being taught that made no sense. It wasn’t meant to make sense. It was meant to train us in a new way. We were already asking why we were learning what we were learning because as humans, we are designed to think, reason, learn, stand for what we believe, and keep learning.
Our “schooling” became more and more confusing and meaningless —because facts without informing ideas have no purpose.
This didn’t simply shift when the Supreme Court voted that the Bible and prayer (essentially Jehovah) were to be removed from public schools.
Rather, at the core and foundation, public schools were never intended for this purpose. It’s own founders each voiced that. We know it.
Their purpose is the first argument FOR schools that is asked today–how else can a child be socialized?
Do we even question that “socialization” is the preparation of a person to be a Socialist?
Socialization is the process of learning to behave in a way that is “acceptable” to society, according to the principles of socialism.
Socialism purposes is to overthrow “capitalism” (the private and personal ability to attain wealth, opportunity, and freedom) for communism (where everything is owned by the state or government with all working, earning, and owning equally FOR the state).
Socialism breeds a contempt for those who HAVE because it demands that they share what they earn with everyone in order to be a part of the community.
Socialism condemns all who are successful individually, because it is all about the community, the government.
These socialist and communist agendas all lead toward a one-world government without national sovereignty.
In the Bible, we see that this ideology is at the core of the Anti-Christ government that will rule and reign in the last days. This is why the Bible had to be removed from government schools. The Bible was in direct opposition to socialism, communism, Marxism, and satanism (Antichrist).
Never has there been a greater battle than we face today. Yet, this shift and this was has been occurring since the early years of our country. It accelerated with the past several Presidencies—Republican and Democratic.
The past four years saved our culture for a small season so we could lead our world in the greatest of Great Awakenings—I believe this is our mission from the founding of this great country.
However, don’t be asleep. There is a shift in culture around the world. There is a war in our culture as a result. This shift and war has been occurring since the beginning of time. Don’t be surprised.
It was the true narrative of the founding of our country, the Revolutionary War, the Constitutional Convention, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, the World Wars, the Civil Rights Movement, the Cold War, the fight against terrorism, and now the fight against this overthrow of our country and establishment of a One-World Government.
Even John Dewey, the father of modern education, publicly proclaimed that education was not to teach a child the “Three R’, he said“it is a great perversion to teach a child to read. It breeds destructive individualism.”
Socialists such as John Cotton were those who pressed full-on into public, mandated education because apart from education, they could never change the mindsets and convictions of the people toward socialism, so he proposed that they, “take the children” and we see a battle that ensued as they marched children from their homes to their public government schools at gunpoint in Massachusetts. Note—Massachusetts not Mississippi. This was in the North, not the South.
These ideas were alive and well at the very beginning of America. It was not about literacy or education—the literacy rates prior to public schooling were near 98% for all Americans, including poor and even slaves. Rather, these ideas lay the foundation for a full-on battle for our culture that goes on today.
Now, we see the full shift into the informing ideas behind all of the rhetoric as we look at schools, government, medicine, communities, and even the media today.
And, if any Christian really SEES or HEARS what is taught and really being said, they immediately know something is wrong, even if they cannot put their finger on it.
If they DO KNOW the errors and call them out, they are quickly labeled, attacked, and discredited as uneducated, ignorant, backward, stupid, bigoted, intolerant, racist, cultist, Jezebel, PASTOR, Southern, or Christian.
The goal is to *silence* the individual, especially the *thinking and speaking* individual. The thinking and speaking individual is a danger, a “perversion” that leads away from the path the culture wants to take. That’s dangerous for the socialist agenda.
The history I was taught in my Mississippi schools was set by the narrative of the socialists. It was not until I homeschooled my children and taught a child who was curious about ideas that fuel actions, the purpose behind why people do what they do, and the values that are behind history that I began to ask questions and dig deeper.
Charlotte Mason, an educator in England in the late 1800’s wrote that it was not until a child began to read on topics of interest on their own that they were truly on the path to real education.
Few in our culture have been truly EDUCATED. They had schooling and that was enough. Most have schooling and even socialization, but not education. Education comes only with knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.
Education does not begin until one finds ideas that fuel them to dig up the whole truth and understand why it happened, who were the key players, what each side truly believed, what each perspective was, when and why each did what they did. Wisdom takes all of that and weighs it against the FULL COUNSEL of the Word of God. Without all three it is insufficient and incomplete. Without God education cannot take place.
In our society, we are dumbed down. If we don’t think so, we should go back and read the original source documents—the actual writings and words of our history, our government, our literature, and our science.
We should go back and read the journals and AUTOBIOGRAPHIES (the stories about people written by the actual person it’s about).
We should dig up the actual news from any period we truly want to know and understand.
We should read the documents from any period of history to truly get the true and accurate story. We should look at the art produced in that period. We should listen to the music of that period. THEN, we get the true narrative that unveils the truth, the ideals, the values, and the conviction that influenced the true story.
No one can take that away.
Apart from that-we base what we know on “hear-say” and secondhand information. That is weak. That is dangerous. That makes us susceptible to error, lies, deception, agendas, and systemic meltdown.
Most people are content to have others tell them what they are to THINK, BELIEVE, and TAKEAWAY on any given topic. Nothing more so than history…ok science…ok government…ok politics….ok Theology…. oh!
That might be why they took God out of the schools. That might be why the church is in trouble today and as weak as it is. That might be why our media is a circus of clowns. That might be why social media is a great big addiction that distracts us rather than exhorting us to true knowledge. That might be why we are living in uncertainty, unsure about what is really going on.
I’m blessed that my children began young to desire to learn. I gave them freedom to use the skills they were learning to truly dig into topics and learn them deeply. They immediately began to learn and dig up things I never saw before. It forced me to change my view of life and education. I thank God that I learned from my children how to truly learn, discern, and live.
I realized that modern education was not progressive, but rather progressing toward a purpose.
Modern education was socializing a culture of students who would shift from democracy, freedom, and capitalism into socialism, Marxism, and communism. It was to prepare a people who sacrifice their freedoms and would embrace, allow, and follow a one-world government.
We have seen world empires rise and fall all throughout time. We are appalled by Hitler-yet we are ok with the same socialist agenda that set him firmly into leadership. We are at a battle with our own country at this time—with those who want socialism/communism and the overthrow of our government. These are the steps into the socialist/communist/anti-God and Antichrist government and empire prophesied in scripture. (Just look at the writings of those moving us this direction and look at Scripture).
Every shift in culture throughout time has been been the same. Every shift in culture was preceded by ideas that challenged homeostasis and fueled the action . Ideas feed our mind and our imagination—for good and bad. It’s been like that since the Garden of Eden.
There has never been a culture without the informing ideas that were embraced and embodied by those in the culture.
There has never been a world empire without the ideas that established it
There was never a war without one idea that catalyzed and fueled the fight.
Ideas may be birthed, but they never become movements, wars, cultures, countries, empires, and history without taking shape in media—daily conversation perpetrated on the town square and spread via books, writings, art, music and current media sources.
They must force decision before they can force action.
Right or wrong, every idea requires action. Every idea has a “side” or perspective or basis.
You can always find both “sides” in media—books, writings, art, music and current media sources.
What about early American history? What was the truth?? Is it about denial of the atrocities that took place from some during the settling of America? Why is God stripped from that story?
Do you ever wonder why it was soooo imperative to silence the view of the south or Confederacy from the Civil War? Why do you think it was imperative? Why is it still “an issue” today? Why is there a concentrated effort to erase the full story? What IS the full story? Is it about shutting up black America? Shutting up the ignorant southerners?
What about the Holocaust?? Is it about “letting go” of the Holocaust and moving on? Why do people want to silence what happened? How did it happen anyway? How could an entire world see what was happening and refuse to step in until it affected them? Where were the pastors? Where was the church?
Is it the fight in so many packages for the honor of basic humanity that has been covered up?
Oh! It’s so much more.
I took a course in American History and another in Government in undergrad a few years ago at a Christian university. The narrative was completely rewritten. AT ORU. I was appalled. The narrative was not corrected or viewed from a Christian worldview by the professor at a school known for being founded by one of the most influential “spirit-filled” evangelists of our time. Even though we were given source documents to research, the students only had one narrative to base their views. I was appalled. So appalled that I transferred back to my Christian University. However, this is the narrative in our culture today, even in most Christian institutions. It stands uncorrected. It is not confronted.
If it’s all you have to base your opinions of history upon, you would think that America *should* end! You would have to conclude that America and capitalism is ultimately evil, depraved, corrupt. It’s agenda is only possible for a few. HOWEVER, this is not the story. This is not the intent.
If we are to find healing today in our culture, we must get back into the history of what made us great.
We must dig into the real story. We must dare to pull back out the Christian story that has been stripped away—without it we are only left with the story of others who DID come with poor and evil intentions. We miss the fight that would unite us. We miss the Christian heroes and heroines who have ALWAYS been present and fighting for the kingdom of God and what it represents-freedom, love, unity, peace, purpose, identity, destiny, and glory of our King of kings! Without God and Christians represented as they were, we miss what God did to establish this country as a ground zero for missions around the world for such a time as this.
If we remove God from the story, we miss the story that Columbus’ passion for exploration was because he read the Bible when it spoke about the world being round and believed it rather than the current philosophy of his day which stated the world was flat. We don’t hear of his passion for taking the gospel around the world—instead of the new propaganda that he was a racist and all about fame and fortune? Read his actual journals.
If we remove truth, we think of pilgrims and puritans as weirdos escaping their countries rather than seeing that they were the ones who worked as families and were honorable with the Indians, treating them as God said to treat them. They were the colony that was healthy and survived that first brutal winter. They were the ones who spoke, wrote, and fought against the atrocities against Indians, slaves, women, and children. They were later the ones who established the Constitution to protect even the ONE instead of going by mob-rule. These Christians stood against the religion based government that was yet another empire of tyranny that would have had a different story had they been able to defeat those early Americans and expand their global dominion.
There was a fight there against yet another brutal one-world government.
If we remove truth, we miss the story behind what fueled the Civil War. From the onset of settling America to establishment as the United States, there was a battle between the idea of localized government or centralized government. The strength and weaknesses of our country have been seen in BOTH. The Civil War was fought as much over that idea as over the myriad of ideas that concerned each and every leader of each and every state. These same ideas are at stake today. They don’t end because they must be under consideration at all times. To think otherwise is ignorant and will lead us forward into a repeat of history—we must stay true to the values that led us to establish this great country.
NONE can be pushed aside.
NONE can be treated as unessential.
NONE can be sacrificed for another.
If the only narrative you have for a certain time period is the current narrative of hate, greed, or radical moves of ignorant Jews/Christians , you better get back into some original source documents like actual state records, songs, journals of these leaders, speeches (beyond Lincoln’s or Hitler’s or Constantine’s or Alexander’s), etc.
It will broaden you.
It will give you a fresh awareness.
It will bring you to a fresh repentance and awe for those who fought for a freedom that many want to deface, burn down, tear down, and erase.
So how do you know truth? How do you know the REAL story? What are you supposed to be all about? What is worth fighting for? Is YOUR SIDE right or a puppet for the wrong side?
As Christians, we are called. We are dual citizens—of this culture and of the kingdom of Jehovah God. We have a purpose. We have a responsibility. We have a mission.
Those who do not KNOW history are destined to repeat it.
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