On My Knees
by Jane VanOsdol from OnlyByPrayer.com
How many times have you as a mother been certain that your child would never move past his current stage, and that you were doomed to live out the rest of your days forever stuck where you were, a? la Ground Hog Days?
Well, I’ve felt like that many times in my kids’ lives. When my son was a toddler, trips to the store became a battleground as he often threw tantrums when he didn’t get what he wanted. Discouragement set in after one particularly bad trip when he and the whole cart tipped over– in front of a group of managers-in-training! I was certain I was the poster child for the “how to handle the hysterical mother” lesson that day.
Another time I felt forever trapped in my daughter’s grow-her-bangs-out-stage. Now, this wasn’t a life-or-death situation, but we combed and bobby-pinned and coaxed them in place for months only to have her cut them again when they finally grew out. We repeated that cycle about four times in succession.
Then there was a good two years when I dreaded going into my child’s school (which was also my workplace), because I was always greeted by a battalion of teachers wanting to talk to me about said child’s missing, late or otherwise nonexistent homework.
Well, I did eventually live through each of these stages and many others–some serious, some just annoying–largely due to one thing: prayer. I learned how to pray through all the stages of my kids’ lives. Prayer kept me sane, gave me perspective, allowed God to work in the situations and changed me for the better. It can for you too.
As parents, we desperately need God’s perspective on the stages in our children’s lives. When we don’t take the time to consult with Him, we are left to muddle through on our own strength and power, without the discernment, strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
I learned the hard way that I needed my regular times of prayer with the Lord to be the best mamma I could be. Each new, precious stage of their lives had me on my knees praying my way through the unchartered waters. Sometimes I was laughing and praising, and sometimes I was crying and interceding for one who had stepped off God’s path or for one who was suffering from a hurt or injustice.
Years ago I started recording my prayer requests in a notebook, and the other day I found an old journal in the closet. What a wonderful look back at how far we have come and a reminder of what is still ahead. I’ll be there on my knees. Won’t you join me?