Just got my print. This is soooo incredibly precious to me! It is symbolic of soooo much. First, it is a prophetic vision that God gave me. I shared it with my sweet friend Donna Ammons who is the owner of A Brush with Jesus.
I felt in my heart that she needed to be painted. What is awesome is that she was painted and finished “in community”. I couldn’t do it all myself. That’s is soooo how our walk with God is. It’s even more special because we took the vision and made it plain!
Everything about her is symbolic and prophetic.
She is dancing before the Lord as His beloved, captivating, set apart, pure bride.
She is clothed in scarlet for the blood of Christ which enables her to have power, authority, position, purity, righteousness, and possession of all Christ died to give her…purple for royalty as she is the very child of God…and white for her positioning in purity with all thing restored fully.
Her dress flows with words of her new identity in Christ—beautiful, perfect, passionate, delight, mind of Christ, loved, faithful, enough, beloved, tried and true, precious, powerful, prophetic, radiant, apostolic, priceless, captivating, mighty, overflowing, overcomer, warrior, sweet, royal, fearless, joy.
She has a scarlet heart in the bodice of her dress that reminds her to trust her heart, to trust her gut! It’s scarlet because her heart has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb so she’s no longer a slave to sin and death—she’s deathless!
Her hair is her crown of silver and white—reminding her and others that she is crowned with glory, honor, righteousness, and wisdom that has come from the refining fire. Her hair is a glory to her Father—she is wonderfully and beautifully made in His image.
She wears a crown of flowers in her hair that is symbolic of her position as His royal daughter, yet a reminder to enjoy the beauty and delight in her everyday life along the way, not missing even on precious gift He creates for her.
She is dancing in a field of flowers, in complete abandon and worship. Her worship is her warfare. Her power is in her position in Christ. Her hope is in the the God of all hope.
She is created in community. She remembers who and Whose she is.
She is a mighty warrior, worth more than the finest of rubies.
She is a prepared bride awake and awaiting her Good Husband.
All glory and honor to Holy Spirit! All glory and honor to Jesus! All glory and honor to Jehovah!
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