We all face tests–many are much more difficult than any we ever faced in school, university, or seminary. The most challenging tests are in the crucible of life.
The tests in life are not evidence that we are not getting something right. On the contrary, the tests are just like tests in academia—they are for checkpoints. They test us so we can get a reliable assessment of our progress and our deficiencies. They help us look back and look forward. They show us what is needed, but they also show us what is now our forever possession. They forge our learning into our being.
James said it this way:
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.”
The word here for “trials” is interesting—it means putting to proof, putting to proof by experiment (of good), experience (of evil), solicitation, discipline or provocation. Yes, it is defined also as adversity, but adversity with the purpose of the trying our fidelity, integrity, virtue, constancy. It can come with trials that God allows or even sends to “test or prove one’s character, faith, holiness”. It can come with temptation—as it did with Jesus where the enemy “sought to divert Jesus the Messiah from his divine errand”. In these temptations, “we are enticed to sin, or to a lapse from the faith and holiness”.
However, each “test” is not to destroy or condemn you, but rather “prove” or show evidence or argument for you being who you are or possessing all you possess. That goes back to the word for “testing” in James 1:2-3, this word is also interesting to me—it means proving or showing that you are trustworthy.
1 Peter uses the same words—it is said this way:
“so that the PROOF of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though TESTED BY FIRE, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ”
It is very similar to what we see in Job as God confidently foretells that Job can pass the tests that come to him. I love how Job declares it himself:
“But He knows the way I take; When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”
The bottom line is–we all face tests. They are not because we are “doing something wrong,” but on the contrary, they are because they prove we are genuine and authentic. They show what we already possess. They reveal much more than head knowledge, they reveal our very substance of our new character in Jesus Christ.
They may be like the fire that purifies gold or refines silver, but they prove us. As we are proven, Jesus is praised, glorified, and honored! These tests don’t just receive a pass or fail. They don’t just receive a grade. They receive a “crown”. James explains:
“Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”
Embrace the tests! Rejoice in them! Consider it all joy!
Take your tests with your very best attitude, do it WELL, and let your Teacher help you pass it! He is a good, good Teacher! He teaches so you not only know it, you become it! You are transformed by it!
The cool thing about LIFE tests is that–they are all open book (Bible), the Teacher is there by your side to help you take the test and to even give you all the answers if you will dare ask, and, best of all, you are guaranteed to pass and be a victor!
Take the test well!
Access the Book and your good, good Teacher!
Your success is guaranteed! Your victory is already paid for!! IT IS FINISHED!! It’s yours!!
Soak that in today regardless of your test today-pop quiz, weekly test, mid-terms, or even final exam!
YOU are a victor in Christ! Grasp ahold of all He has died to give you!!