Yep! We have a TEA PARTY across the miles!
Want to know more about Time for Tea?
Each issue features articles written for the purpose of ministering to YOUR heart! Articles range from topics covering developing a closer walk with the Heavenly Father to ministering to the heart of your husband to discipling our children with a Godly heritage to ideas for homemaking from the heart to becoming a vessel that God can use!
Each issue is jam-packed with timely articles that are designed to give you a time for renewing your mind and refreshing your spirit during your Time for Tea!
Our prayer is that when you join us during that quiet moment of your day, you will be encouraged and fed in your soul, mind, and spirit!. Our greatest desire is that you will be encouraged by ALL of our resources to seek to follow the Lord as a godly wife and mother! Grab a copy (AND your cup of tea!) today!
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Back Issues??? Yep! We Have Them!
Want to read our back issues of Time for Tea? They are all available in Reprint Books! We now have SEVEN reprint books in all (the first two volumes are combined into one book).
Topics Included In Each Volume:
Want them all???
Time for Tea Magazine Reprint Book Set! ALL EIGHT YEARS!
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