Marriage stats are not looking great. 50% of all marriages end in divorce. This stat is no different for Christian or non-Christian marriages. The sad thing is that getting a marriage license is much, much easier than getting a private pilot’s license. It can be obtained in minutes in most states whereas typical pilots take over a year or more to obtain their Private Pilot’s License.
My husband is a pilot. Several years ago, we went on one of his “cross-country” flights, one of several that was required for his licensing. As we flew, I had a Bible Study that changed my marriage, and ultimately, my life. That was the birth of this study. Now, after 7 years this study is now available.
We have made this study simple and easy to use. You can join me at YOUR PACE and at YOUR CONVENIENCE. You can study self-paced through our “flight plans” that are prepared with the purpose of coming alongside of you, teaching you the lessons, strategies, and secrets to building a marriage that lasts forever!
Why This Study?
1. We all need an intense program to help us understand God’s plan for marriage–His design, His secrets to success, how to biblically love our spouse, what to do in the event of “problems” along the way, and what we are working toward.
2. We need someone, “a Private Pilot Instructor,” to “ride” with us while we learn and instruct us on the secrets that will make it easier.
3. We all need a different view from time-to-time. Up in the air, things look totally different. We can see a bigger picture. We need someone to take us up away from the myriad of details so we can get a different view–a bigger picture.
That is EXACTLY what this course is all about. So, we lovingly introduce our newest online study:
Marriage 911! A Crash Course for Those Whose Marriages are Crashing or a Lesson in Aerobatics for the Show of a Lifetime
You are going to love, love, love this study. It is designed with the busy wife in mind:
1. Go your own pace! Study through with me–I will give you a new lesson every month. This gives you time to dig in and enjoy the lessons without being rushed. Of course, if you need more time, just take it. This is YOUR pace! The lessons never expire!
2. We bring everything to you. Every month, you will receive an email with the link for your new download page. It is ready to download and enjoy!
3. Everything you need is included. We include everything you need, well except for your Bible, journal and mp3 player. If we mention an article, audio, or any other resource needed, we include it on your download page–FREE! It is right there waiting for you. You don’t have to purchase anything extra for this course.
4. Never have to worry about missing a lesson. Let’s face it, sometimes we just get TOO busy for a while. Well, we make it very easy for you to catch up at any time. Each week, we list the links for your previous lessons on the download page. You don’t have to worry about missing lessons from the past. In fact, in the event of a computer crash (we pray you never have anything like that happen), you can pick up right where you are in the study. The links for all of the past “Flight-Plans” are included on the download page. Easy. You don’t have to give it a second thought.
Wow, Cindy, I just got the new Marriage Flight-Plans, and I am so blown away by the content! You are such a blessing to me and my family. Thank you for all of the content and bonuses that you included. This is exactly what I have been needing. You did it again.
Thanks again,
Thanks so much for these wonderful “flight-plans.” Steve and I just downloaded the first one and listened to it while having a picnic lunch -you call that “pow-wow.” We had a wonderful discussion about how we would purpose to connect with one another. This is already helping our marriage today. I can’t wait for the future “flight-plans” to arrive. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
PS. Steve now thinks we should take flight lessons. WINK
Speaking of “Flight Plans,” we have amazing lessons on the horizon. Want to see a list of just a few? Sure….
The Plan
“God’s Plan for Marriage”
* NOT GOOD! God’s Plan for Intimacy
* It’s a Covenant Thing
* Helpmeet or Hurtmeet???
* Completer or Competer???
* Leave, Cleave, Become One
* Love and Respect
* A Gentle and Quiet Spirit
* Wither Thou Goest…
* Lessons from the Wayward Woman
* Heirs for Life
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
The Supplies
“Essentials for the ‘Course” of Study”
* A Look at 1 Corinthians 13–LOVE
* God–A Three-Fold Cord
* The Word–Your Flight Manual
* Power-Up with the Holy Spirit
* Fill Your “Home” with Good Things
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
The Lessons
“Lessons Heart-to-Heart”
* Fire Up Your Marriage!
* Submission…DO WHAT???
* Castles Under FIRE!
* Make TIME!
* Build Your Home
* Study Your Spouse
* Guard Your Home
* Dangers that Destroy
* 3-Legged Race
* Standing in the Storms
* Maintain Your Home
* Rebuild from the Rubbish
* Build a Legacy
* Invest Your Very Best!
* Love Is…Unconditional
* Love Is…A Decision
* Love Is…Passionate
* Love Is…Intentional
* Love Is…FOREVER!
* R-E-S-P-E-C-T
* Forgiveness
* The Godly Helpmeet
* Pulling Out of a Crash 101
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
“Test-Taking 101”
* Forgiving the Unforgivable
* Pulling Out of a Crash 101
* Standing Through the Storms of Life–Together!
* Dealing with Life’s Curve Balls
* Fight RIGHT!
* Rebuilding from the Rubbish
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
Extra Credit
“Bonuses that Build a FOREVER Marriage”
* Establishing Common Interests
* Romance Toolbox!
* Forging a Forever Friendship
* Firing Up the Romance Fires
* Get Connected
* Date Your Mate
* Priority
* Purpose
* Vision
* Faithfully Yours
* Little Things Make It Great!
* Duct Tape YOUR Mouth!
* Pow-Wow with Your Spouse
* Laughter
* Let’s Make a Memory
* Family Stories
* Honey Do’s
* How to Help Your Man Be All He Can Be
* You Made It–Cheerleader!
* Make Your Bedroom Super Special
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
Making The Grade
“Keys to Making the Grade”
* Never, Ever Quit
* Mind Your Marriage
* Be Intentional!
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
Continuing Education
“Lessons Along the Way”
* Seasons
* No Quitting
* Best Friends Forever
* Write a Beautiful History
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
Getting Your Masters
“The Ultimate Accomplishment”
* Building a Legacy Together
* Glory!
* Make Your Marriage SOAR!
* Destroy Your Man in Just 5 Years…OR Help Your Man Be ALL He Can Be???
* Plus, much, much, MUCH MORE!
Cindy, I have felt so lost as a wife. I have prayed and prayed for someone to help me learn lessons like this. What an answer to my prayers. I am with you all the way. I want a marriage that soars!
Dianna Smith from VA
Love it? I do! I am so excited about this course. And, we have finally found the perfect format. Here is how it works:
Every month, you will receive an email with the link for our new “Flight Plan.” A “Flight Plan” is simply a lesson (on the topics above). We send one “Flight Plan” every month. That gives you plenty of time to listen, take notes, listen again, and really soak in the lessons. You are going to love it!
1. Short And Easy To Digest (OK, some are longer, but they are broke up into several parts).
2. Includes Everything You Need.
3. Builds As You Go.
4. Forces You To Succeed Long-Term.
5. Helps You Make Real Progress.
Each lesson is designed to be “to the point” and immediately actionable. You will be able to use each lesson immediately in your own marriage. Just peek at the outlines of our first Flight Plan:
Get Connected with Your Spouse-
* You’ll learn how to intentionally connect with your spouse–why you should and how God intends for us to connect with our spouses.
* You’ll learn about the importance of planning time to pow-wow with your spouse and how to make it happen even in a very, very busy home.
* You’ll learn about how to make the most of your time with your spouse so you make sweet memories and bond even closer.
* You’ll learn how Harold and Cindy stay focused and stick to their priorities by pulling aside in the busyness of life to dream, brainstorm, and plan together.
* You’ll learn how to connect with your spouse by intentionally bringing romance into your relationship.
* Plus, much, much MORE!
That is not all! The first flight plan includes extra bonuses: articles, a “Love Journal” assignment, and a fun Romance “Cheat-Sheet.” And, that is only the FIRST “Flight Plan” in our study! You can dig in TODAY!
This is the best part!
We wanted to make our “Marriage Flight Plans” as affordable as possible. So, we decided to make them less than the price of a pizza. Yep! Only $4.95 per month!
You will be set up on a membership that bills you directly each month. You don’t have to do anything after you join, but enjoy!
We will send your “Flight Plans” every month! Oh! Actually, some months along the way, you will receive bonus goodies that are completely unadvertised. It may be an additional audio that takes you deeper into the topic. It may be that your particular “Flight Plan” ended up being a “mini-retreat” and we included the entire recording as your download. There are even weeks that you will receive bonus ebooks, articles, and downloadable goodies. You are going to LOVE this series!
The One Limitation…
Yes, we have one limitation that you need to know about up front. We set up this study in a format that begins at lesson one and continues until all of the lessons are taught. Because of the format, if you sign up, you will begin at lesson one. You will receive a new lesson every month. The only limitation results from this format. If you cancel your membership, you will have to begin at the very beginning again. We can’t drop you into the sequence where you left off.
Just in case you are wondering, if you need to change your email address, that is ok. We will gladly help you change it out.
One final thing…we have already been asked if these audios will ever be available individually. The answer is yes and no. Some along the way MAY be available for purchase, but these are being recorded specifically as part of our course. It would be very rare when we make these available since it is hard to pull a teaching from the middle of the course and really make sense.
The retail prices for all of these items individually is $1974.85+ and growing each month (we keep adding even MORE to this course!)!
Join us now! Marriage 911: A Crash Course With All of These Freebies!
Get Ready for the “Show of a Lifetime!!” (Cancel at any time and we will still be friends!)
(Even if it’s 2:00 AM on a Saturday)
You will be able to dig into our very first “Flight Plan” that is waiting just for YOU!
See ya on the inside!
Cindy Rushton
This study promises to be your most favorite marriage resource(s) EVER!