The body of Christ is like a beautiful puzzle that is being fitted together to give the world a vision of what God looks like. We are the image of God to the world. The world doesn’t see the fullness of what God is like apart from each and everyone of us. If you are missing, the picture is incomplete!
You are a piece. Beloved, you are intended to be part of that beautiful picture. Without you, a very important piece is missing.
Do you know who you are?
Do you know what part you play?
You, yes you, are sooo important to the picture that the world has of God!
You are designed to bear a facet of God to the world—you are imago dei—made in the image of God.
Soak that in.
You are called to be part of the body of Christ—you are called to be a functional part of the Church or family of God, functioning in your own part so the world will know that Jesus is the Son of God and so they will be able to know Him and have eternal life!
You have a distinct blend of gifts that function within you to give the world a touch from God. The fruits of God are produced in you to give them a taste of God. He flows through you so the world might know Him and experience Him. If you don’t get into position, your part is missing.
You are so important!
You are part of that big picture. Without you, it’s not complete.
Today get connected.
Today get into your position.
You are vital.
You are needed.
You are a piece.
You have a part.
The world needs to see the part of the picture that only you can bring.
You are here for such a time as this.
You are not a mistake.
You are valuable—so priceless that the Lord is searching and seeking for you.
Do you sense it?
You are so precious to Him that He takes great care placing your perfectly in position, exactly where you blend perfectly with others to show the world what He looks like.
You are part of His picture that He is putting together for this world that He so loves. Be your beautiful part! Get connected today!
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