If we don’t take the mark of the “beast,” will we have to give our life as martyrs? What will it all look like? Will we know? Will we be gone before it’s required? I’m hearing these questions … [Read more...] about Beasts, Rapture, Tribulation…What?
Prophetic Words
Wake Up! Prepare! It is Time to Fight the Good Fight!
I was just discussing how the church should be responding to these times. I hear the Lord saying that this is an important word for all of you. The church needs to be awake and tune in to what GOD … [Read more...] about Wake Up! Prepare! It is Time to Fight the Good Fight!
Time to Fight for Freedom!
Wondering what’s going on in our country, our world? Wonder what could be done? Just want to hide away and get away from the madness? Before you resign yourself to that, I suggest reading … [Read more...] about Time to Fight for Freedom!
This is YOUR Time!
This year is year 5780 in the Hebrew calendar, the year of the “Pe.” It is also the beginning of the decade by the same name. Pe means “mouth” in Hebrew. The meaning is that this is the year and … [Read more...] about This is YOUR Time!
Did God Send Corona to Us?
I was just asked about God and if He was the person behind this virus. He said that “if there is a god he must be laughing about it.” I wrote the following to answer him and feel that someone may need … [Read more...] about Did God Send Corona to Us?
5780 – Arise and Shine! Your Time has Come!
This year is year 5780 in the Hebrew calendar, the year of the “Pe.” It is also the beginning of the decade by the same name. Pe means “mouth” in Hebrew. The meaning is that this is the year and … [Read more...] about 5780 – Arise and Shine! Your Time has Come!
Feel the Spiritual Storm Swirling???
I see a spiritual storm worldwide that is like a mass hurricane stirring. It is whirling. It contains winds of an Antichrist spirit, but it also contains winds of Holy Spirit stirring up a mass and … [Read more...] about Feel the Spiritual Storm Swirling???
Spiritual Storm Stirring
I see a spiritual storm worldwide that is like a mass hurricane stirring. It is whirling. It contains winds of an Antichrist spirit, but it also contains winds of Holy Spirit stirring up a mass … [Read more...] about Spiritual Storm Stirring
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