Have you been wondering about these crazy days that we live in? Wondering how we should see some of the issues of the day? Wondering how to respond? Wondering whether to be quiet or stand up and be counted?
I was just watching a video for a course I am taking in school for my master’s degree. The title was “WDJD? Self-Differentiation and Following Jesus.” I loved the title. It got my attention and made my brain explode with thoughts.
I believe as never before that these are perfect questions. Of course, I also believe as never before that the question is not so much “What WOULD Jesus Do,” but “What DID Jesus Do?”
Soak on that for a moment.
The big buzz for a while was asking that question, “What WOULD Jesus Do?”
It is a valuable question.
It is a convicting question.
It is a contemplative question.
However, we have the answer already. The answer is not up for grabs. The answer is not relative. The answer is not “dependent upon the circumstances” faced. The answer is not shifting or changing with the “times.” The answer is found as we look at “What DID Jesus Do?”
Answering that question, we can see exactly what God would want for US to do and be all about. We can see clearly the will of God. We can see a vivid demonstration of the power that God wants flowing through us. We can accurately determine what we possess as ours.
We have absolutely no doubt about our purpose, possession, position, promise, and power as a “child of God.”
We don’t have to guess.
We don’t have to project.
We don’t have to wonder.
It is as absolute as the sunrise and the sunset. Creator God came into this world in the form of a man and showed us the “oversimplification” of the God-head in a human form. He modeled before us exactly how He, Jehovah, would act, react, respond, do, and view everything. All we have to do is open the Bible and dig into His ultimate “brain-in-a-book” or His “Daytimer” for His fresh revelation.
His “Daytimer” is wide-open for us to access and read in the Gospels. His “Daytimer” is captured for us today so we don’t have to doubt for even one moment how to handle a situation or how to respond or how to make a decision or how to balance it all.
We can see how He planned His day.
We can see His priorities in print.
We can see how He got it all done–especially the eternal in the midst of the daily demands.
We can see His model for ministry lived in every day life.
We can learn how to balance the daily with the eternal.
So, today…in THIS day, in THIS culture as never before, I hear that call to dig back into the source that can answer the big questions for us. I hear that call to get my “agenda” for the day from a source that is always relevant, always on time, always informed, always REAL NEWS.
Want to join me? Let’s pull aside and sit at the feet of Jesus. Let’s learn from Him. Let’s peek into His Ultimate “Daytimer” and ask, “What did Jesus DO?” Then ask, “What will *I* DO?”
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